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It appears that Harry Anslinger and his Federal Bureau or Narcotics WERE NOT the only ones creating Gore Files; (allegedly) of crimes committed while under the influence of Medical Marihuana. The report below is taken, word for word, from documents found at the National Archives (college Park, Md.) and show that California’s own Bureau of Narcotics (or more correctly; Division Of Narcotic Enforcement) was also correlating its own such records. Note however (see last section towards the bottom), that Anslinger himself would take several California cases (directly, word for word) and add them to his own File of such cases. – Some transcriber errors were possible ![]() DEPARTMENT OF PENOLOGY DIVISION OF NARCOTIC ENFORCEMENT SAN FRANCISCO (excerpt from report for the year 1939) M A R I H U A N A ****** In April, 1939, the Division of Narcotic Enforcement was asked to investigate a situation at Woodland, California. Three young men had been arrested for extortion, grand theft and robbery. One of the defendants in the case informed us that they had conspired to high-jack a cache of Marihuana on a certain ranch located in Yolo county. Inspectors of the Division visited this ranch, early in the morning, and there arrested two Mexicans (Lee Garcia and Jose Guiterez), who had marihuana cigarettes in their possession. The three young men were sentenced to San Quentin Prison. – all of who’s had admitted that they had smoked Marihuana cigarettes. In this investigation it was uncovered that in 1937 a young man, 29 years of age, had shot another man in a controversy over Marihuana. The assailant escaped at the time, but was later apprehended at Fresno by State authorities and returned to Woodland, where he was convicted and sentenced. We also uncovered the fact that, in April 1939, a young man of 22 years of age, stabbed another man to death in a dispute over the playing of a guitar. We were informed that the assailant was a user of Marihuana and was under the influence of this drug at the time of this murder. On August 9th, 1939, one of the inspectors of the Division of Narcotic Enforcement was sent to San Quentin Prison to interrogate a young man of twenty-one years of age, who had been committed there for a term of fifty years for criminal assault upon a young housewife at Modesto, California. He readily admitted that just previous to this assault he had smoked two marihuana cigarettes and could give no other explanation for his dastardly deed than that he did not know what he was doing, because of the influence of this drug. In July, 1939, at Sacramento, a man 32 years of age was arrested (Raymond H. Landis) after selling forty cans of Marihuana to an Inspector of the State Narcotic Division. In his room was found an unopened express package, which had been sent to him by a confederate in Lincoln, Nebraska. This information was forward to the Federal authorities in that district, and resulted in the arrest of his confederate, who was found in the very act of processing marihuana and building its strength by spraying it with alcohol. The statement of the young man at Sacramento was to the effect that he “would like to see the person that could smoke two of these cigarettes and then drive an automobile.” At Lincoln, Nebraska, more than twenty-five tons of Marihuana were destroyed by Federal Agents. In July, 1939, at Merced, California, there was a murder of a young man by a Mexican, in whose possession was found a quantity of marihuana cigarettes and who was examined by a physician and found to be under the influence of Marihuana. On the night of October 24th, 1939, a young man twenty years of age was arrested in Alameda County, by a State Highway Patrol Officer. The suspicions on the Highway Patrol Officer was arouse when the defendant was observed following a bus, in which rode an unescorted woman. (During the six months immediately preceding the arrest, seven women had been attacked and badly beaten, after leaving buses out-bound from Oakland.) The young man confessed to rape, assault to commit rape, and robbery. One woman was fifty-five years of age and found wandering, badly beaten and in a semi-conscious condition, on the highway, eighteen hours after she had been attacked. The arresting officers said “While he held these women prisoner, every law of God, man and decency had been violated. He confessed to the arresting officers that he was a smoker of Marihuana, - and, on November 28th, 1939, he was sentenced to San Quentin Prison, to serve a series of life sentences, - with no possibility of parole. In September, 1939, two peddlers of Marihuana were arrested in San Francisco, one of whom informed the officers that, to his knowledge, 1500 cans of Marihuana had been sold last year, by “his connection”, This peddler was followed to his source of supply, by State Narcotic Inspectors, and a man who was cultivating marihuana on his ranch at Half Moon Bay (a Mexican) was arrested. After making a seizure of Marihuana (in cans), - a portion of which were found buried on the ranch – the inspectors uncovered patches, approximating an area of about three-quarters of an acre, where old stalks of marihuana and seeds were found in the earth, - indicating that these well concealed patches had been used to cultivate the weed. In the city of Los Angeles, during 1939, two itinerant negroes were arrested as they called for a package containing Marihuana, which had been shipped into the State by express. They admitted they had traveled as itinerants to Kansas City, Missouri: there cut and processed the Marihuana and shipped it to Los Angeles, where they expected to receive it and sell it. In Bakersfield California. – a Negro was apprehended who was driving a car through the center of traffic at more than fifty miles an hour and was finally brought to a halt by officers firing six shots into his automobile. This man was found to be “high” on Marihuana and to have in his possession Marihuana cigarettes, - which he stated he had brought with him from St. Paul, Minnesota. (He was convicted and sentenced to San Quentin Prison). During the month of October, 1939, at Treasure Island, (site of the golden Gate International Exposition) a young man twenty-three years of age, stepped into a tavern and, in the presence of an Inspector of the San Francisco Police Department, who was close at hand, picked up a water glass and threw it at a bartender, - cutting him over the eye. This man was identified by his fingerprints and found to have been twice arrested for peddling Marihuana cigarettes, and on a previous occasion, in Los Angeles, had fired shots at a passing autoist who had spattered mud on his automobile. He was apprehended at that time by State Highway Patrol officers and was seen throwing two guns over the side of his automobile as he was forced to the curb. At the time of this assault at Treasure Island, he was out on bail on a charge of selling Marihuana cigarettes. He was sentenced on the Marihuana charge pending against him, and was sent to San Quentin prison for the term prescribed by law. On July 18th, 1939, Inspectors of the State Narcotic Division, arrested a Japanese (George Yokayama) in the city of Sebastopol, Sonoma County, California, - and charged him with cultivating and possessing Marihuana (about 800 pounds),. This Japanese was found guilty by a jury in the Superior Court of Sonoma County. -- -- -- The above are by no means all of the cases involving Marihuana uncovered by the enforcement officers of the State of California during the year 1939. – but they are a few of the more aggravated cases. ![]() The following was taken fromAnslingers Gore File Cases. Note that he was quoting the above report from the State of California: 1939 - M Threw glass at bartender while smoking marihuana just bought from peddler. Arrested -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1939 - M 39 Assaulted and shot another man in controversy while both smoking marihuana. Convicted -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1939 - J. Navarro, - San Leandro, Cal. - M - 20 - Arrested after raping 5 women, while under influence. - Arrested -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 1939 - Modesta, California - Assaulted a housewife. Sentenced, 50 years -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE