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CHILD KILLER / CHILD MOLESTER What the Narc’s were claiming ![]() In Inglewood, California, a crazed sailor attacked three girls, each under twelve years of age. -- True Story (Magazine) Dec. 1948 Some of the brutal and unspeakable sex crimes of recent years have had their cause in marihuana. In Inglewood, California, recently, three little girls, all under twelve years of age, were fiendishly attacked and killed by an ex-sailor - a marihuana fiend. The horrible, sadistic attacks upon girls, even upon children, are sometimes inspired by this drug. -- On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness (1939) By Earle Rowell
NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS Edwardsville Intelligencer [S-July 1, 1937 pg. 2] “Continue Hunt For Slayer of Girls” Chronicle Telegram [S-June 29, 1937 pg. 1] “Three Little Girls are Found Slain” Harmmon Times [S-July 2, 1937 pg. 4] “Civilians and Police hunt Girls’ Slayer” [S-Aug. 14, 1937 pg. 2] “Child Witness Traps Slayer of Three Girls” Nevada State Journal [S-July 5, 1937 pg. 1] “Stranger Jailed for slaying of California” Reno Evening Gazette [S-June 28, 1937 pg. 1] “Children Missing From Home and Foul Play is Feared” Del Rio - Tx [S]- July 5, 1937 pp1 - “WPA Worker Confesses Slayings” [S]- July 9, 1937 pp1 - “Killed girls, then prayed” Gore File Case Pix of Albert Dyer [Key-finder - Case#CA19] MUSEUM COMMENTS: First we cannot do a better job of describing the incident then what has already been done on another website (no affiliation): FOLSOM PRISON RECORDS: Albert Dyer Folsom Prison ID = 60804 ![]() ![]() Prison Records – Courtesy of www.Ancestery.com
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