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GIRLS JUMPING OUT OF WINDOWS ![]() GIRLS JUMPING OUT OF WINDOWS: Just think of it -- scandalously clad co-eds, jumping out of windows. Poor innocent young girls, acting under the influence of MARIHUANA (the Weed of Madness), lives ruined . . . etc. BOY, that makes for good press. But there was only one problem; -- where exactly were these innocent young girls? To read what the narc's were saying during the Reefer Madness Era, one would think this was a common everyday occurrence. Just look at what the narc's had to say about this one (supposed) case that took place in Chicago. "Then another suicide is chalked up. Actually this has occurred, as in the case of a young girl in Chicago, who hurled herself several stories from an apartment building where a reefer party was in full swing. The death of this youth was a poignant example of how fantasies, apparently harmless, have their tragic results -- On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness (1939) By Earle RowellThere is only one thing wrong with this whole story; --- An extensive (good faith effort) to locate any details about it have produced nothing! It's as if the whole thing never happened. Now are we saying that this is yet another of Harry Anslinger's "F-A-B-R-I-C-A-T-E-D" tales, at least not at this time. However, let us look over the facts the way this museum sees them. According to Harry Anslinger himself : THE sprawled body of a young girl lay crushed on the sidewalk the other day after a plunge from the fifth story of a Chicago apartment house. -- American Magazine "Marijuana, Assassin of Youth" By H.J Anslinger - July 1937Thus:
Thus our reason to question the technical accuracy of this one report -- and (while again) we are not saying that this example given by Anslinger did not actually occur (at least not at this time). Still it has been our experience that when one does locate the actual incident the truth proves to be quite different than what Anslinger had stated it to be. There are however, other variations on the story, the following serves as a good example: And that other little school-girl, in a city of our Empire State. Brilliant student; graduated from Junior High at 13. I took the broken-hearted mother of that child to the County Jail where, at 14, she was behind prison bars for a sex-crime. "Sweet, lovable, disposition, until she got Marijuana and it 'got' her and changed her whole nature," so two High School teachers who had known her from babyhood told me. But before they took her to prison she attempted to set fire to their home and tried to kill her mother with a kitchen-knife. Sex-criminal, pyromaniac and would be murderess at 14! And Marijuana did it. --- War with the underworld 1946[NOTE: Again, extensive research into this other case has also failed to find any actual references to this story.] In fact throughout the whole of the Reefer Madness Era, we have only been able to find one actual case that even fits in with the legend and that one took place in 1938, --- long after Chicago incident was (alleged) to have taken place and (for whatever reason) was NOT EVEN an official Gore file case. Name: Miss Norma De Marco - Date: April 1938 -- Location: New York, NY Various (mostly newspaper accounts) about Miss DeMarco's (alleged Medical Marihuana use), and how she allegedly jumped out a window (just as two cop's had finished talking to her. The following is typical - "Only the other day it was revealed, in a case typical of many tragedies throughout the nation, that Norma De Marco, 22, who plunged to her death from a 12th story apartment window in New York, was a marihuana smoker." --- Atlanta constitution. Newspaper accounts: Atlanta Constitution: [ ]- May 15, 1938 pSM3 - A Doctor Tries Marihuana by Charles Neville New York times: [ ]- April 13, 1938 p3 - Night-Club Bandits Shoot A Policeman [ ]- April 14, 1938 p12 - Witness in Killing Plunges to Death [ ]- April 16, 1938 p28 - Witnesses Suicide Starts 2 Inquiries [ ]- April 17, 1938 p12 - Policeman dies of Hold-Up Wound Washington Post [ ]- April 14, 1938 p X1 - Woman Who Saw club Holdup dies of 12-Story Fall Chicago Daily Trbune: [ ]- April 14, 1938 p8 - Woman Eyewitness in Night club Holdup dies in Plunge [Key-finder - Case #81] And as can be seen from the headlines, it's questionable whether it was a jump or a push. MALE INCIDENTS: There are also other (male) jumpers but as can be seen below, they don't exactly fit in with the stereotype of the original story: Example: 1 "Smoked his first 2 marihuana cigarettes; jumped 18 feet from hotel window onto adjacent garage roof barefooted, burst into Mr. K.'s room, said " God told me to kill this man ", and beat him to death with fists. Then screaming he was Hitler, jumped thru window 30 feet to pavement, breaking ribs and legs. No recollection in court." -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2Example: 2 Then there is the case about a college boy who fell out of a window, but this one occurred in the 1960's |