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Mr. R.F. Smith
Paso del Norte Hotel,
Dear Sir:
I have been employed in various capacities in the Police Department of this city for a period of nine years. In that time I have had various and many opportunities to observe the effect of Marahuana on those who use it.
I will say that my experience is that any one under it’s influence is very dangerous and a menace to the community in so far as the user is very prone to start trouble, seems to be insensible to pain and shows marked bravery when confronted with real danger.
I could go into length detail but in our conversation you stated that you merely wanted my opinion as to whether or not a user of Marahuana would be considered as dangerous to those coming in contact with the user. Very truly yours,
W, Simpson
Sergt. Of Police
Mr. R.F. Smith
Paso del Norte Hotel,
El Paso, Texas
Dear Sir:
I have not had any great experience with Marahuana. However while acting as a mounted man on three different occasions, I had to arrest men, whom those who claimed to know, said were under the influence of the weed marahuana.
They gave me no little trouble in making the arrests and one of them I drew my pistol to protect myself from a knife which he had and he evidence absolutely no fear but luckily I was able to knock him down without the necessity of shooting him. Yours very truly,
T.G. Armstrong
Capt. of Police
Mr. R.F. Smith
Paso del Norte Hotel,
El Paso, Texas
Dear Sir:
I take pleasure in writing a few lines in reference to the Marahuana dope, as I call it, for I can safely say it is a dope from the effects it has on those who use it.
I have seen many cases here on the frontier, especially among the mexicans. I have seen it used up in New Mexico and also along the border at Nogales, Arizona. I have seen more here than any place and in fact, the first I ever saw growing, was here. I can say that the effect is the same in all places. It is a powerful stuff. It is surprising the strength that a human has when under the influence and the confidence he has regardless of the class of trouble. I do hope the United States Government will do something to suppress the sale and use of the Marahuana. It certainly will prove a blessing to humanity.
I highly recommend this stuff to the Mexican Armies in Mexico, thought they are too wise to use it now as their tendency is to loot and hunt, instead of fight. Hence they endeavor to suppress it, yet the war is still on. Yours respectfully
B. xxxx
Chief of Police
Mr. Reginald F. Smith
Dear Sir: - With reference to our conversation about the use of Marahuana, will state that I have had an excellent opportunity to see the effects of the use of this weed on the user’s.
In the capacity of Police Captain, I have had almost daily experience with the users of for the reason that when they are addicted to the use they become very violent, especially when they become angry and will attack an officer even if a gun is drawn on him, they seem to have no fear, I have also noted that when under the influence of this weed they have abnormal strength and that it will take several men to handle one man where under ordinary circumstances one man could handle him with ease.
Until an ordinance was passed in El Paso, making a minimum fine of $25.oo to have Marahuana in any ones possession we had a great deal of trouble, but since the passage of this ordinance the cases of violent men have become more isolated.
I am sure if the Government will do something to suppress the sale or use of this Narcotic it will not only be a great help to this Department but to the HUMAN RACE in general along the Boarder. Yours very truly;
L.L. Hall
Captain of Police.
Mr. R .F. Smith
C/o Gen’l Delivery
Houston, Texas.
Dear Sir:
Your request of the 9th inst. that I give you a little data relative to Marahuana reached me this morning.
I could go into lengthy detail on the weed; it’s peculiarities, and it’s effect on the user but I presume that that will not be necessary, however will say that I have seen many instances during my term as Captain of Police in this city and San Antonio Texas, where crimes were committed that I am positive were due to the fact that the user was under the influence of Marahuana and not in his right mind. To sum the thing up it is very peculiar in effect in that it produces apparently a lust for-blood. The user seems insensible to pain and shows almost superhuman strength when detained or hindered from doing what ever they are attempting to do.
Yours very truly
Capt. Of Detectives.