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Starting in the early 1930’s, our Federal Government (at the highest levels) created a massive hysteria campaign against the use of Medical Cannabis (Medicinal Marihuana). This campaign was lead by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, but was soon taken up by various Oklahoma police and civil organizations. [A subject that is covered elsewhere on this web-site.] However, as ugly as this campaign (known now as the Reefer Madness Era) was, what is even worse, is the fact that it is still going on today. Lead by Oklahoma’s Bureau of Narcotics, the campaign is alive and well today. Thus the purpose of this web-section: To counter balance to the Bureau’s own dis-information campaign. And here it is important to note, that the science, the moral imperative is ALL on our side, thus our opponents are:
All of the above is taking place, quickly becomes apparent, especially as we examine various letters written to us by State and Federally elected Oklahoma public servants. Someone is obviously feeding them with (ah) less than truthful information and thus the reason for this web-section. It is our hope that by addressing the numerous reply letters received by the Oklahoma Voters League; addressing the numerous errors in a logical and well-documented manner, we in effect break the cycle of false information being generated by Oklahoma’s Bureau of Narcotics.
During each election period it is our habit to send out inquire letters to those running for elected office. Usually it is a simple one or two sentence email that runs something as follows: “We are a pro-Medical Marihuana organization and we would like to know where you stand on the issue of Medical Marihuana? “This inquiry is short, simple and to the point. However you will be amazed at the responses that we get back from the candidates. Were the situation not so serious, one might even (in a morbid sort of way) find these responses to be quite amusing. Below is a sampling of such responses. Note that in keeping with our Museum policy of self-censorship, no names are given. (Oklahoma is enough of a laughing stock on the subject as it is without us adding fuel to the fire) However, it is important to note that with one sole exception (a higher up at the bureau of Narcotics), these letters were written by a previously elected State/Federal officials (ALL of whom won re-election). Which brings up the obvious -- Where are these people getting their facts? And the answer is also obvious; From the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics -- which as we have shown elsewhere is (ah) less than honest when it comes to the subject of Medical Marihuana. So come, read and enjoy these little ha ha’s of life. But please, somewhere in the back of your mind, do remember that peoples lives are being ruined, that many are being sent to jail – just so you can have these little ha ha’s of life.
WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE (A Pro Medical cannabis Organization) ADD YOURSELF TO OUR MAILING LIST: http://drugsense.org/lists/listform.htm?okvotersleague
Our Motto - We're pro-Medical Cannabis and we Vote! |