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CANNABIS - Odds & End's A Place For Things That Don't Seem To Fit Anywhere Else ![]() 25.0 - CANNABIS ODDs AND END's: This Chapter is reserved for those antique Cannabis medicines that don't seem to fit anywhere else. Some of these are black Sheep Drugs (the kind we all wish had never been created in the first place) to strange one shot wonders for which we can't devote a whole chapter too. Also included is a section on some early attempts to isolate the active medical ingredients of the Hemp plant.
[Last update Nov. 30, 2006] 25.1 - EARLY ATTEMPTS TO ISOLATE THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT/S OF CANNABIS SATIVA: Throughout the 19th Century and well into the mid-20th Century, chemists, physicians and pharmacists made numerous attempts to locate or isolate the actual active ingredient(s) of Cannabis. And while many of these early attempts are noteworthy, especially given the technology at the time, they now are the cause of much confusion. Take for example the following, according to the DEA "The Cannabis plant contains several alkaloids; the principle ones being, Cannabinol, Cannabidiol and the Tetrahydrocannabisnols. "To which the average person and even the most knowledgeable of Antique Cannabis Collectors will go -- Huh??? Yet as collectors we all best get used to such fandangle words [all of them coming from early attempts to isolate the active ingredients], especially Cannabinon and Cannabin, because these two products would play a somewhat key role in Cannabis medical history. In fact, both of these medicines seemed to have stayed on the market, even after the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act, and into the early 1940's. The following, taken directly from an article in the "The Indian Medical Gazette" [1884], provides a good introduction into the subject:
As can be seen, many were the attempts to isolate active medical ingredients, as were the names attached to such attempts. Thus perhaps some definitions are in order: The following are Cannabis related substances that while [referencing here ONLY to Western Medicine] could have been used as medicines, in general they weren't and thus can safely be ignored by the antique collector. All definitions are per "Potter's Therapeutics Materia Medica and Pharmacy" [1917]. Churrus is an impure resin, prepared by rubbing the leaves of the plant together and scraping off the adhering resin. Gunjah is the dried leaf and tops as sold in the bazaars for smoking purposes Hashish, Bhang or Siddhi is a confection consisting of the leaves and small stalks coarsely broken and mixed with Poppy seed, Ginger, Pepper, etc., boiled together. In the East Cannabis is invariably used in mixture with Opium and Hyoscyamus and most of its deleterious effects are believed to be due to these constituents. [Note SIDDHI was/is in use by Indian Medical Doctors, but it has no history of medical use by Western Medicine] SOME OF THE EARLY PRODUCTS: Remembering that Cannabis itself is technical nothing more than --"the dried flowering tops of the female plant of Cannabis sativa". And once again, that the attempts to isolate the active medical ingredients were many. The following are those few substances that (at least in the author's opinion) antique collectors should become aware of: "Cannabis contains a resin named Cannabin" This resin was thought to contain the active properties of Cannabis and was sometimes sold in table form. --Potter's Therapeutics Materia Medica and Pharmacy [1917] This glucoside combined with tannic acid was introduced by E. Merck. Attempts have been made to place upon the market a so-called "cannabin," which is nothing more than a purified extract of cannabis indica. Cannabin tannate acts as a mild and pleasant hypnotic, and is especially used in cases where morphine is objectionable. It has been claimed to have produced a gentle sleep when opium had failed completely. the dose varies from 0.2 to 1.0 gram. ---Pharmaceutical Record 1886 Vol.6, pp 152 Cannabinol is a toxic red oily substance, C18H24O2, isolated by Wood, Spivey, and Esterfield from Indian hemp. It was examined physiologically by Marshall. The original chemical communications appeared in the May number of the Journ. chem Soc., for 1896, p.545. A preliminary physiological report was made in the same journal, a more detailed report was to be made elsewhere. ---Pharmaceutical Review -- 1897 - Vol. 15 - pp37 Cannabis indica. (Alkaloid from the drug.) Properties: A brown, syrupy liquid, recommended as a hypnotic in doses from 1 to 5 grains daily. The tannate is a yellowish brown powder, insoluble in water or ether, slightly soluble in alcohol, freely soluble in water rendered slightly alkaline. In a dose of 2 to 10 grains (average 4 ) it has been spoken of as a useful hypnotic, especialy in nervous sleeplessness and acute mania; it is free from unpleasant secondary effects. ---Pharmaceutical Record March 24, 1892 pp 189 Cannabis indica. (A constituent of the flowering tops.) Properties: A balsamic, resinous body, insoluble in water, but taken up by alcohol, ether, chloreoform and benzol, as well as by fatty and essential oils. It has a hypnotic action in doses of 1/2 to 1 1/2 grains; the taste, which is far from agreeable, may be disguised by the addition of powdered coffee. ---Pharmaceutical Record March 24, 1892 pp 189 Cannabinine In I857 Personne resolved the volatile oil, obtained by distillation of the plant, with water, into Cannabene (C18H20) a light hydrocarbon, and a Solid crystalline hydride of cannabene (C18H22). He states that inhalation of the vapour of cannabene produces a powerful physiological effect, and he claims it as being the sole active principle of Indian hemp. ---INDIAN MEDICAL GAZETTE 1884, pp 259 Recently another preparation of cannabis indica, bearing the above name has been brought into commerce. At a low temperature it is of the consistency of a solid extract, while at a higher degree of temperature it is in the form of a thick, brown liquid. It possesses a strong aromatic odor and a bitter, some what acrid taste. It is insoluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzol, petroleum ether, bisulphide carbon, and in both the etheral and fixed oils. In a weak solution it presents a golden yellow color; in a strong solution it is changed to a dark brown. Heated upon platinum foil it does not leave a residue. According to the most recent investigations made by eminent physicians and physiologists it has been found that in doses of 0.05 to 0.1 gram, it produces a quieting and refreshing sleep without the appearance of any disagreeable after-effects on the following morning. As the pure article is in the form of a soft resinous extract, it is not very well adapted for dispensing. Merck prepares a 10 per cent trituration of the pure cannabinon. This trituration has all the properties of the pure article in a very large degree. The average dose of the latter is considered 0.7 grams. ---Pharmaceutical Record 1886 Vol.6, pp 152 This is a preparation of cannabis indica prepared by treating the alcoholic extract of Indian hemp and caustic alkali, by which all acid ingredients are solved (Pharmaceutical Journal). The brown soft resinoid residue in "pure haschisch," and is composed of the soft resin cannabinon and the alkaloid tetanine. It is insoluble in water, but forms golden-yellow solutions in alcohol, either, and chloroform. A third of a grain is said to act as a cerebral stimulant, and a larger dose causes all the symptoms, including sleep, of Indian hemp. The drug should be a fine state of division, and may be given in pastile form, with powdered cacao or roasted coffee as a vehicle. tannic acid dissolves out the alkaloid on which the stimulant action depends, whilst the remaining cannabinon has the narcotic property. Cannabinon is triturated with sugar of milk in the strength of 10 per cent. Made up with cocoa or coffee in pastile form, it may be given as a hypnotic, in doses of one half to one grain and a half, especially for hysterical or insane patients, but it is contra-indicated when heart-disease exists. ---Medical and Surgical Reporter April 2, 1887 pp441 25.2 - NO NAME DRUGS: Normally this museum deals ONLY with established "Brand" or "Trade" name drugs, manufactured exclusively by established pharmaceutical corporations of their day: And not without good reason. While we have been able to document (approximately) one thousand pre-1937 Cannabis medicines, [and here it should be noted that between 3 to 6% of all medicines sold in the U.S. at one time contained Cannabis[2] ]. By far the very vast majority of all cannabis medicines (as were all other medicines for that matter) were of the home brewed type. [See chapter 5] Thus, one can easily see how the list of Cannabis Medicines can very literally be thought of as infinite. Which explains why we only document Cannabis medicines if they originated from an established company etc., and had a specific Trade or Brand name association. However, from time to time, there comes along a weird oddball product that for whatever reason is of historical significant and simply can't be ignored. ![]() By someone calling himself Rev. C.S. Burnett Part of the pamphlet reads: -- INHALATION -- I discovered that, among the native in Southern Asia, those that smoked the Cannabis Sativa (or Hashish, as called by them.) were rarely if ever afflicted with any disease of the throat, lungs, or air passages etc. [More] . . . ![]() By the same [see above] C.S. Burnett. RECIPE FOR Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, coughs, colds, and Nervous Debility. [More] . . . 25.3 - OF BLACK SHEEP DRUGS: A.K.A. - Those Cannabis Medicines We All Would Rather Had Never Been ![]() Pharmacy Medicine Bottle. Tolu and Heroin compound ingredients include: Heroin, Cannabis Indica, Chloroform, Lobelia, Tartar-emitic, Syrup, Tolu, Aromatics, and Alcohol. Listed as a sedative and expectorant. Sharp and Dohme, Baltimore. One can only wonder how this Great Ape (such as in a monkey on your back) ever got out of the lab or did it somehow just escape? But be that as it may, to be fair even the AMA gave its seal of approval to similar drug -- One that was removed after only a few years when someone finally noticed that there was something a little odd about Heroin. But mercifully (for the reader of this book), Cannabis was only one of its minor ingredients. ![]() WHS & CO -- Besides ergotin, this compound contained extract of cannabis and strichnine, which are all difficult to read on the label as a portion is missing. Embossing: Interlocking initial trademark (WHS & CO). Two original paper labels and original cork. Color: Amethyst - Height: 3 3/4" - Method of Make: Hand blown in mold, tooled lip, chamfered corners - Period: 1880 -1920 - Condition: Labels as seen in photo. There are two shallow chips off upper edge of lip, otherwise bottle is perfect. Ah!!!--Did someone say, "STRYCHNINE" -- No comment ![]() Vintage Large One Gallon Cannatole Bottle Contains Morphine and Cannabis. Pitman-Moore. Measures about 14". Bottle and cap are in excellent condition, paper label shows some minor wear. On the surface, this medicine looks somewhat normal for the time, except for one small detail. Just what someone was going to do with a large ONE GALLON bottle of this stuff is beyond me or anyone else associated with this museum: 25.4 - STUFF THAT JUST DON'T FIT: The following is an example of something that just don't fit anywhere. Technically it can be said that as only one of the products (the corn remedy) found in this sales-kit, contains Cannabis. We should therefore concentrate on that one product and that one product only. However, if we did that, we would also be disregarding or ignoring most of that products history,---literally throwing away its story. Its value is to be found in being part of a sales-kit, not as a stand-alone product. But herein lies the problem. This book deals with antique Cannabis products, NOT sales kits, or doctors sample bags etc. Which explains why it ended up here, and not as part of chapter 6, which deals with Corn Medicines. ![]() [SEE PICTURES] [wording per auctioneers website] This auction is for a traveling salesman sample kit. Kit includes 25.5 - UNKNOWN USES: ![]() [SEE PICTURES] Prepared by Brooks Homeopathic Pharmacy, Importers and manufacturers, San Francisco Ca. Price 25 Cents. This product is a good example of a lost product that we now know nothing about. What was it used for? We don't know. --- This is not to say we won't one day find out, but until then we simply don't know where to sub-classify it. ![]() 100 Soluble Pil. No 394 Quin., Ferri -- Zinci Valer. -- Ext. Can. Ind. Schieffelin & Co. New York 25.6 - NONE CANNABIS, But of historical Interest: ![]() ![]() ![]() A Pre-1937 Tax stamp for control substances; note that Cannabis is NOT yet mentioned. FOOTNOTES: [1]- Cannabis Sativa (a lecture by John Maher) Sept. 1976 [2]- Between 3 to 6% of all pre-1937 medicines sold in the U.S. contained Cannabis as one of their key ingredients. This figure, while obviously subject to challenge, comes about by taking various (randomly selected) pre-1937 Pharmaceutical Price & Product catalogs. Counting all Drugs containing Cannabis, dividing that figure by the total number of Drugs mentioned, adding a fudge factor (to take into account those pharmaceutical firms that for whatever reason, made no use of Cannabis at all) and vu-ala, there it is. Note; This figure DOES vary with the chronological era.--- For those of you interested, the museum has a complete CD rom with lots and lots of (selected pages) from pre-1941 pharmaceutical catalogs. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format.