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Chapter 21 ![]() "In headaches at the menopause Cannabis indica is useful, and if the headaches are associated with constipation and anemia, iron and aloes should be . . . Spasm of the bladder, due to Cystitis or nervousness, it often gives great relief . . . In Uterine subinvolution, chronic Inflammation and irritation Cannabis indica is of great value, and it has been found of service in Metrorrhagia and nervous and spasmodic Dysmenorrhea. Not only does it relieve the pain, but it seems to act favorably upon the muscular fibres of the uterus. . . etc." ---- PRACTICAL THERAPEUTICS [1895] by H.A. Hare Chapter 21.0 - CANNABIS AND FEMALE AILMENTS Cannabis, found its way into numerous medicinal products, specifically meant for [what at the time was termed] "Female Illnesses," or "Female Complaints," HOWEVER . . . [continues below]
. . . with thousands of Cannabis Medicines documented, (mostly via old pharmaceutical price and product catalogs), one would therefore think that it would be a real ‘easily-breezy’ finding dozens upon dozens of Female orientated medicines; --- BUT unfortunately things are not always that simple.
Here for our purposes we have simply homed in on certain key-words such as OVARIAN, -- MENSTRUAL COLIC, CRAMPS – DYSMENORRHEA – CYSTITIS – HYSTERIA, etc., and made the presumption that such medicines were specifically aimed toward the female market. However, always keep in mind that (even if dealing with so-call female illnesses), that in general doctors (which were almost all male at the time) would (nine times out of ten) prescribe uni-sex medicines such as Tincture of Cannabis. Which had a myriad of medical uses beyond what would be termed, “Female Illnesses.” 21.1 - CANNABIS AS A TREATMENT FOR FEMALE AILMENTS According to various [contemporary] Medical Textbooks and the reputable Medical Journals of their day, medical Cannabis was successfully applied toward the following ailments (and probably a whole lot more that we have not been able to document). And while some of these ailments could also apply to males, given the times, they were thought of solely (or primarily) as being female ailments.
21.2 - PURE CANNABIS VERSES COMPOUND MEDICINES: The reason the chapters in this book are subcategorized by medical function, as opposed to say, chronological medical order or manufacturers etc., is to give the Antique Cannabis Collector a better idea of what to look for. In what subsections of the pharmaceutical world was Cannabis used in etc. Hints that would better help the collector look for Cannabis bottles etc. However, for the purist, say someone who only wants to collect Female Cannabis remedies and ONLY female remedies, a major problem quickly develops. Because Cannabis was both a "stand-alone drug" as well as an ingredient [one of many] in compound drugs, who exactly is to say if a bulk-cannabis-tincture was prescribed for a female ailment or for a number of other uses. The doctor's prescription would simply read, "Cannabis Powder" or "Cannabis Tincture," with no real way of knowing. And as if to add insult to injury, a scan through almost any medical text book or medical journal, shows that in almost all cases Cannabis (of and by itself) is recommended, NOT a compound drug. Thankfully however, this is an antique price guide and NOT a medical textbook, thus we can deal solely with identifiable Brand or Trade name Cannabis products. [Chapters 3 through 5 however, do deal with Bulk Cannabis products] 21.3 - CANNABIS AND FEMALE AILMENTS, As Per The Text Book: According to one medical text book: PRACTICAL THERAPEUTICS [1895] by H.A. Hare: "In headaches at the menopause Cannabis indica is useful, and if the headaches are associated with constipation and anemia, iron and aloes should be . . . Spasm of the bladder, due to Cystitis or nervousness, it often gives great relief . . . In Uterine subinvolution, chronic Inflammation and irritation Cannabis indica is of great value, and it has been found of service in Metrorrhagia and nervous and spasmodic Dysmenorrhea. Not only does it relieve the pain, but it seems to act favorably upon the muscular fibres of the uterus. . . etc."Below is a random sampling of pre-1937 medical text-books, listing their recommended uses for Cannabis. Note the number of uses [highlighted] for "Female Illnesses". 1914 - Hand-Book of Modern Treatment and Medical Formulary By W.B. Campbell Published in 1914 (4th Ed), it recommends the use of Cannabis for the following diseases:
1910 - THERAPEUTICS, MATERIA MEICA, AND PHARMACY By Sam'L O.L. Potter, Pub. P.Blankiston's Son & co.
1895 - PRACTICAL THERAPEUTICS By Hobart Amory Hare, M.D. -- Pub: Lea Brothers & Co.
21.4 - TODAY'S ANTIQUE PRICES - 3d EDITION OK, here is either the good news (if you’re a buyer) or the bad news (if you’re a seller); While the floor had NOT fallen on the market, the price has dropped in the last few years and dropped BIG TIME. Cannabis medicine bottles that used to sell for up to $350 are now going for as little as $55, and $150 is now considered the high end. What happened? Some say the number of fake reproductions have taken their toll. And here clearly note that there’s a BIG DIFFERENCE between a legitimate modern-day reproduction that’s advertised and sold as such, and an out an out forgery: – See Chapter 2 ; “Of Forgeries & Reproductions.” But in any case there are enough “burnt people” out there to . . . (ah), let’s skip this part, it’s enough to say that many buyers are now OUT OF THE MARKET. Add to this the bad economy in general; ---And don’t let the employment figures fool you, jobs at McDonnell Douglas are being replaced by jobs at some other McDonalds. Let’s just say that the money to invest in Antique Cannabis Bottles is just not there like it was in the old days. And then there is the fact that re-legalization is now in the air, meaning that the novelty of old Cannabis Medicines may be wearing off. Example: In the old days the physical condition of the bottle didn’t really matter, but now it does. In any case the situation has changed rapidly in the past and may do so in the future. For (this museum) this is a time to pick up on the cheap stuff while it’s gettable at this price. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE